War Movie : Stalingrad 1993 – HD – ( Full Film )
Storyline The story follows a group of German soldiers, from their Italian R&R in the summer of 1942 to the[…]
Read moreStoryline The story follows a group of German soldiers, from their Italian R&R in the summer of 1942 to the[…]
Read moreThe Story Moroccan spies and an Army psychiatrist (Phyllis Kirk) try to figure out a goofy GI (Jerry Lewis) with[…]
Read moreStoryline Hillbilly, Will Stockdale, drafted into the United States’ Air Force, combines crushing naivety, stubbornness, a completely literal mind, and[…]
Read moreStoryline In 1943, in the Russian front, the decorated leader Rolf Steiner is promoted to Sergeant after another successful mission.[…]
Read moreStoryline Two powerful German guns control the seas past the Greek island of Navarone making the evacuation of endangered British[…]
Read moreStoryline With a ruthless gang terrorizing London, Scotland Yard calls Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond out of retirement. With the help of[…]
Read moreThe Caine Mutiny During the World War II, the crew of a small insignificant ship in the U.S. Pacific Fleet[…]
Read moreSon of the Navy A sailor hitchhiking to his base at San Pedro and an orphan boy who has taken[…]
Read moreParatroop Command A squad member of the U.S. Paratroop unit in WWII accidentally shoots one of his unit. Over the[…]
Read moreDislocations Bravo Company are tasked with moving the inhabitants of a village to a safer location. When all does not[…]
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